Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday Gratitude -- a day late

Jumping in a day late to participate in some Wednesday Gratitude blogging between now and Thanksgiving. I saw this on Sandra's and Lisa's and Frank's blogs, and they got the idea from Clint.

So, here are some of the things I'm particularly grateful for today.

  1. My family and all the ways we share this life together, encourage each other, and learn & stretch & grow together.
  2. Matt's new job that is allowing us all to be together more and to travel a lot.
  3. Dog-friendly hotels.
  4. Fresh, cool, breezy, open-window weather.
  5. Sweet books, funny cartoons, fresh water, comfort foods, back rubs, hugs, and unlimited time together with Seth while he's recovering this week from whatever illness he picked up.


Clint Stonebraker said...

I am so glad you joined in!

Cap'n Franko said...

It's like a gratitiude party!

Sandra Dodd said...

That #5 was a whopper! Pace yourself so you can last a month! :-)

Anonymous said...

Haha -- all those things were just part of the home-on-the-couch-with-a-sick-child package. :-)