Friday, May 4, 2007

Everyday living and learning

Here are some of the twists and turns our lives (and learning) have taken over the last week:

Yugioh dueling/trading, Pokemon trading, organizing Pokemon card collection, listening to and singing the songs on our new Amy Steinberg CD (everyone should have the awesome experience of hearing their children belting out the words of her song Exactly), making and sculpting with homemade play dough, meeting new friends (including an unschooling family -- yay!), playing with old friends, watching the road crew/trucks resurface our street, Club Penguin, receiving postcards from unschoolers in other states and countries, Runescape, Webkinz, reading and looking at lots of picture books, drawing 8-point stars, drawing pictures of friends and family and trucks, solving for "x," squares and square roots, UNO, Karaoke Revolution on Playstation, tae kwon do, a new (to us) skatepark, a new (to us) playground, reading a flow chart, the Indianapolis Children's Museum, Letterboxing, learning to use a compass, tent caterpillars, Bhutan, the midnight premiere of Spiderman 3 (for Matt and Riley), and a matinee of Meet the Robinsons in 3D (for all of us).

At home:
Maya on the keyboard ; Seth watching the road crew

Around town:
Our first letterbox
From our trip to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis:
Sculpting a plastic version of Dale Chihuly's Fireworks of Glass
Building an ancient Egyptian town
Mayasaur nurturing her nest; Sethasaur on the prowl
More dinosaur play
In the Art Room
Peaking beneath the surface of the pond
Sethy was a race car driver...